Monday, November 5, 2012

To know, to understand

Aristotle said:

Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.

Scholars create understanding



Monday, October 22, 2012

A just and sustainable society - the way forward through just transitions

International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2013

On issues of social injustice "if you're not outraged, you're not paying attention".

Right action needs right thinking ......

As Swilling and Annecke (2009) put it ...

“…there should be little doubt that imagining and implementing more sustainable futures is the greatest challenge that our generation faces. To do this we not only need new ways of thinking, but we need to understand the history of patterns of thinking that fail to appreciate the evolutionary significance of our incontrovertible dependence on other living species and nature in general".


Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Save the planet ?

The planet Earth doesn't need saving by humans - it can and will continue without us

We need to save ourselves from our own stupidity - wisdom for well-being

Enough is enough - not too little, not too much

Friday, September 21, 2012

Marketing: phenomenon and concept

Thinking about Pragmatism and Dewey's sense that theory-practice is a false dichotomy

From Wikipedia:

“Primacy of practice:

Pragmatism is based on the premise that the human capability to theorize is necessary for intelligent practice. Theory and practice are not separate spheres; rather, theories and distinctions are tools or maps for finding our way in the world. As John Dewey put it, there is no question of theory versus practice but rather of intelligent practice versus uninformed practice.”

This helps us to understand what scholars - researchers - "reflective practitioners" - are supposed to be doing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cigarette packaging debate - a brand IP smokescreen

The BAT argument here in New Zealand is that government should not impose plain packaging on cigarettes as this is unfair to BAT as the brand owner. BAT executives may want the debate to be on IP rights, but the societal issue is actually about business morality.

From the Agree-Disagree website:

"Intellectual property is one of the most valuable assets of any business. Our brands are our intellectual property, which we have created and in which we have invested. Plain packaging would deprive us of the right to use our brands".

Of course, this avoids/denies the fundamental immorality of the product. The minority of BAT people should find a right way to conduct business, with a product that creates value for all people, communities, and society. Cigarettes impose an unacceptable cost on customers and society. Putting it bluntly, society doesn't need businesses like this. The argument over IP is irrelevant. Cigarette production and sales result in net negative value, and the cost for unfortunate addicts is ultimate and final. Whilst shareholders make money, and employees to a lesser extent, there is far more economic, social, and societal harm resulting from this business - worldwide.

I hope to see this product outlawed in the foreseeable future. Then the intelligence and hard work of the people employed can be turned to something useful.

Can there be many such negative brands? (weapons, drugs, slavery in the same category)?

So, protection of a legitimate brand or protection of the right to take from public resources for private profit?



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Research accolades

My co-authored article (with Professor Jim Barker and Linda MacDonald) entitled "Science and Technology Development and the Depoliticization of the Public Space: The Case of Socially and Culturally Sustainable Biotechnology in New Zealand" published in Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal has been chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012.

My 2010 article entitled "Marketing Means and Ends for a Sustainable Society" published in the Journal of Macromarketing had more cites in 2011 (among the JCR group of journals) than any other article published in JMK in 2009 and 2010.

My "Marketing as an Interaction System" is currently the 3rd most cited article published in the Australasian Marketing Journal since 2007.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The American Marketing Association has discovered sustainability

The annual 'global' brand conference has put sustainability into it's theme for 2013.

How will delegates treat this issue?

Will sustainability be a scientific concept to treat with objectivity and technique for the purpose of publishing in an academically prestigious journal to further career prospects?

Or will each one who responds to the call for contributions do something to move us towards a sustainable society?

Education for benefit, but not profit

Education service is far more valuable to society than profit-making colleges

Let us invest in educating not capitalising

Excellence rewarded by profit

Shareholder value isn't the end of business - it's the reward for doing good things

This a matter of excelling - surely a very human aspiration

See what TIME Magazine has to say here

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Learning online about online learning

A TED talk on the way that running educational service online provides fascinating insights into how people learn

The way to inspire learning is through enthused talking, surely.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are capitalists the enemy?

If so, why, and which of them, and for whom, as there are surely magnificent benefits and developments from pursuing profit as a reward? Gain at any cost isn't a gain.

For those who stick to the view that capitalism is the only way, what exactly do they do in the name of capitalism? Evidently some of it produces bads as well as and instead of goods, and the benefits are not always justly distributed.

Follow this discussion on the role of education as a public service at

Global Citizen 2000 - rationale for civil society and social business

This programme shapes the way people view the World by using the Multiple Perspectives of Geography, Culture, Society, History, Aesthetics, Politics, Economics, & Spirituality.

The Goal is that Students will become global citizens by understanding the issues and use that knowledge to create a global civil society.

This has a clear Rationale:

Global citizenship values peaceful resolution of conflict.

There cannot be a global society without social justice.

We share a global environment.

Humanity's survival depends on cooperation.

The world's resources are limited.

Careers are increasingly global.

Global awareness promotes productivity and economic growth.

Global literacy facilitates negotiating diverse cultures.

Global literacy expands our collective knowledge base.

Global citizenship results in enlightenment, self-actualization, & enhanced creativity.


This educational programme comes from Rutgers University in New Jersey. See further details here

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Can we sort out all of our self-made mess before it is too late?

Paul Virilio said "One day the day will come when the day will not come" in his 1997 book Open Sky.

It is a characteristically human arrogance to always assume that we can fix things, often failing to acknowledge our own actions as the cause. He points out the lack of radical action on global crises, and the probability that human (re)action will not prevent catastrophic change in the Earth habitat.

Creating a happy world is serious business

A redefinition of wealth from emphasising possessive material accumulation, which can only be an end to something else, to a state of contentment and fulfillment - a good life - which requires equality, justice, subsistence, and community, gives Marketing a very different agenda that doesn't assume competitive growth and plunder is right.

The UN has conferenced on happiness - isn't that what we all think we are entitled to, but always find it somewhat elusive, especially when working longer hours doing things we don't believe in in order to compete with others for things that ultimately don't make us happier? Affluence is a blessing - let's not break it by greed-fueled striving for ever more.

Marketplace players are not actually amoral

Corporate founders and executives have values beyond the market and some are willing to take a political or moral stand on social issues, even if it seems to cause a backlash against their business

Some firms go further and found their business explicitly in pursuit of a higher purpose - to address social problems such as poverty, inequality, Ill-health, crime, illiteracy, human rights, pollution, resource waste, etc.

There are the "firms of endearment" that create huge positive wealth for all involved.

Who are the kiwi FoEs?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Beliefs separate, values connect

have a look at Richard Barratt's work here on new paradigm leadership

Humanity 2.0: Integral Life

We know that problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. As our problems become ever more complex, more interconnected, and more global, it becomes increasingly clear that we need to find a whole new level of thinking and problem solving in order to meet the great challenges of our time

Integral Life here - a new culture - a new social movement! And the next stage of human evolution?

"If ordinary people don't perceive that our grand ideas are working in their lives then they can't develop the higher level of consciousness, to use a term that American philosopher Ken Wilber wrote a whole book about. He said, you know, the problem is the world needs to be more integrated, but it requires a consciousness that's way up here, and an ability to see beyond the differences among us." – former President Bill Clinton

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Teachers teach, but do they help produce learning?

Peter Senge questions why teachers get rewarded for teaching, even if learning isn't produced

See his talk here at the World of Business Ideas

What is the terminal value of education? - the higher purpose must be more than information sharing or indoctrination

sustainability is a big part of a successful business strategy

Peter Senge talks about organising a sustainable business here at World of Business Ideas (WoBI)

He shows the link of systems thinking with sustainability

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Is our expansive capitalism bad for our health?

The supposedly "free" market isn't giving everyone a fair share of the benefits or the costs - and we don't even acknowledge most of the costs, so we keep pushing for more and more ....

Market society identifies progress with competition instead of co-operation, and society as a realm of possessing things rather than for elaborating human relationships, and it creates a morality based on growth instead of limit and balance (Murray Bookchin, The Philosophy of Social Ecology)

Wealth or health doesn't make sense!

Positive marketing

Marketing that creates value for all involved

There's a program and centre at Fordham University

Collaborative way to wellbeing, not dominating profiting.

Maximize positive value, eliminate or minimize negative value


Oikos - sustainability change agents

oikos is the international student organisation for sustainable economics and management and a leading reference point for the promotion of sustainability change agents.

link to web site here

check out the case competition - Corporate Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship


The bicycle superhighway

Copenhagen has now such a commitment to bikes - that's really ecocentric

Cycle highways are making the commute safer, faster, cheaper, healthier and greener

Surely we can do this in New Zealand's cities and towns?



Monday, July 23, 2012

Generation Zero

Make cup cakes, take off your clothes - raise awareness and take action for change

These are young people who are prepared to do something about our future - they don't have power but do want to influence the thinking of those who do

Check out their campaigns

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Share those books - spread the knowledge through the Book Forest

Street libraries made from hollowed tree trunks - leave your unwanted books and find new titles to feed your mind

Books don't grow on trees but they are made from them and now can be found in them!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bamboo in style - style in bamboo!

Have you seen the really cool/neat range of gadgets and accessories, rings, and other stuff made from 100% natural hypo-allergenic, biodegradable, chemical-free bamboo?

My favourites are the bamboo keyboard and mouse and the bamboo headphones.

See the range of eco-effective products at purebamboo


In an era of "value creation", we're wasting so much

North American farms, processors, manufacturers, grocers, restaurants and homes are wasting food on an astronomical scale - 40% according to a government study. Around the world 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted each year, and this is growing.

The effect is to rob those who need meals, to squander the oil and water used to produce and distribute the food, and to generate climate-changing greenhouse gases as the uneaten food rots in landfill sites.

Food not consumed was worth US$250 billion in 2011. This is waste BIG time!

What can we each do to make sure that we are not contributing to the wasting of a third of the world's food?

Technology can assist, but first we need consciousness and positive attitude - let's indeed create value and not destroy it.

Imagine what we could do with the materials, time, work effort, energy, fuels, space, and money if it were diverted to good use instead of allowed to go to waste. Maybe the competitive market system of provisioning isn't as efficient as need be.

It's official - NZ Government don't need democracy

So PM John Key stands firm on his "absolute mandate and authority" without the need for listening to objectors on current state assets sell-off. Yet he and his party colleagues will no doubt use an array of sweeteners to get what they want.

Another example of the dysfunction of party politics.

If we are to drive a transformation towards a fair and prosperous society, we can't allow the notion of popularity as decider to prevail.

The problems of society as not simply technical nor solvable only with neoliberal market economics.

New Zealand needs to reinvigorate around a much more sophisticated political system that has genuine values that support authentic wealth for all, not pocket-lining biases and manipulations by and for the already over-enriched.

Time for a reconstructive, ecological, communitarian, and ethical approach to society.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sustainability Collaborative

This is a leading think tank .... Find out more here


Humanistic management education

It matters what business schools do in educating future leaders and managers. As educators of future leaders and as world citizens we have to foster learning that contributes to the humanistic mission of ‘People for People’.

"People for People" describes the humanistic mission of all management: human beings helping others.

Take a look at the People for People blog here

The motto is People for People - unleashing the potential of value creation of people for people.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cultural buy-products

Grant Smithies (Sunday Star*Times, 15 July, 2012) discusses the way advertisers surmount the problem of Tv and movie watchers trying to avoid advertising - by inserting products into the settings of favourite soaps, comedies, and film action.

Of course, it doesn't stop there. Recently show writers and performers have been turning product placement into an art form, through meta-commentary. Now the subtle low key product appearance is substituted with the comically blatant in direct parody of the advertiser's maneuvering.

Grant tells us that shameless product placement may inspire rage, but there is fun and admiration to be found in the clever instances which poke fun at the very idea!

NBC's 30 Rock included Snapple in the episode "Jack-Tor" dedicated to product placement, where television writer Liz Lemon argued against including GE’s products in the show.

Liz : “We’re not compromising the integrity of the show to sell…”

Pete: “Wow, this is Diet Snapple?”

Liz : “I know. It tastes just like regular Snapple, doesn’t it?”

Frank: “You should try pomegranate. It’s amazing.”

Cerie: “I only date guys who drink Snapple.”

Jack: “Look, we all love Snapple. Lord knows I do".


In a roomful of irate writers complaining about having to write product placements into their scripts, everyone one of them is downing a bottle of Snapple.

A later episode satirizes the promotion of Verizon phones in the show, then Liz Lemon asks the sponsor through the camera, "can we have our money now?"

The future of marketing in New Zealand

Kath Dewar on green marketing and green consumption

Values-based shopping, sustainable products ... The times they are a changin (as Bob would have said)

When will our teaching of marketing principles and practices catch up with what the majority of buyers now want?

This is not only a business opportunity to sell things people really want - it is also manifestation of a transition to a sustainable society

Sustainable Business Network Awards

Details of this programme at

"Extraordinary Sustainable Businesses make an incredible, positive contribution to New Zealand’s economy, environment, and culture every year". Sustainable businesses are cost-efficient and productive, attract and retain loyal customers, and offer a great place to work.

The NZI National SBN Awards now in their 9th year are the pre-eminent sustainability awards in New Zealand.

The SBN is at

Have you entered, did you win, and could you show what you've achieved?


Positive customer experience

I'm with Ian Brooks on this - we don't want great service - we want positive experience. Service is the means to that end, and is what can be designed and managed.

Follow Ian's blog at


Friday, July 13, 2012

Conscious capitalism

The Conscious Capitalism Alliance fosters a community of like-minded business leaders to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking, in service of advancing members’ businesses and the broader Conscious Capitalism Movement.


A new way of business is emerging - Conscious Capitalism™. This new model of conducting business creates healthier, more sustainable businesses. This new model is based on three core principles:

• Higher Purpose:

Acting out of a deeper purpose than merely profit maximization.

• Stakeholder Model:

A stakeholder approach to value creation, in which the interests of customers, employees, suppliers, investors, the community, and the environment are harmonized and aligned to the greatest extent possible.

• Conscious Leadership:

Leadership focused on fulfilling the company’s purpose, delivering value to the stakeholders, creating a sustainable, learning organization, and becoming an ever-greater company.


More at

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Service Marketing (MKTG554-12B)

This is a place to consider service and marketing.

This is where we can discuss a current agenda of research priorities and the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of 'service science'.

We can also talk about research orientations and intellectual independence, as well as the role of the researcher, research project design issues, and skills of critical, logical thinking and expression of findings, arguments, and conclusions, and also about research evaluation.

post your comment, question, or thoughts about your project here .....

What does "carbon footprint" mean?

According to a tongue-in-cheek ad for Meridian power company in New Zealand it means how wicked and selfish you are in regard to the environment. How far from the truth is this?

What have you done to minimise your negative impact on our habitat?

My family has consciously reduced in at least 30 aspects of our use of materials since we emigrated to NZ.

Switching electrical appliances off

Walking or cycling


Avoiding plastic bags

Energy saving lamps

Minimal coal burned

No bags

More effective heating controller

Home cooking

And so on ....

How about you?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Forgotten books remembered

Neglected Books is a gold mine of commentary on books that perhaps never were popular but certainly are important - lots of diverse reading here

The site lists and discusses thousands of books, and it's searchable, and has links to other related material

Self-motivated education

Has the age of virtual education begun? Techcast, the online think tank on technology in the future, has an interesting note on this here

Once anyone with an Internet connection can get access to free information, what will be the role of the educator? Of course, education isn't synonymous with information access.

The educator facilitates learning, which is not just the accumulation of facts, but the synthesis and application to particular contexts and the agility to shift thinking when change is sensed - being able to figure out what course of action to choose from the many possible and impossible - to escape into understanding, as Marshall McLuhan put it. The adaptive citizen In an increasingly dynamic and complex world will know what, why, and how, and will judge both facts (what is) and value (what should be). Geoffrey Vickers is a must read on this crucial capability of citizens. Read more here and here. The Appreciative System is an important and neglected idea.

The Techcast website has a virtual education forecast - what do you think will and should happen?

The world won't get better unless we change it

Harold Melvin, John Legend, Wyclef Jean, Keb' Mo' - they all told us:

"Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed

No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead

The world has changed so very much

From what it used to be so

there is so much hatred war an' poverty

Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way

Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say

Cause they're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands

when you teach the children teach em the very best you can.


The world won't get no better if we just let it be

The world won't get no better we gotta change it yeah, just you and me".

Friday, July 6, 2012

Profit or prosperity

I'm not against enhancing our life conditions, but I do see so many instances where the cost of accomplishing this just too high, and where some gain at others' expense.

If humankind is truly developing, don't we have to sort out the inequities and failures?

Human flourishing surely means more than accumulating personal wealth for short-term gratification without concern for the costs?

If humans are special it's because we have matured beyond the dog-eat-dog mentality to realize that we can determine our evolution, positively or negatively.

How do you live your life in our community?

Make a personal list of things you have changed for the better, and those that still need some work.

Go on, tell me what you're doing and choosing not to do!